January 30, 2014

I am Ready

Dear friends,
The past month has been insane. My life has changed more in the past thirty days than it has in over 5 years. I will spare you the details, but things have changed and I have had a lot of time to myself to think and pray and figure out my life.
I got a new roommate this semester and she is great, and my ideas of future relationships have narrowed significantly. I am figuring out what I want and need in my life and I am excited beyond compare to begin the adventures awaiting me.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. I am a far from perfect being, and I have experienced a lot of disappointment. One thing in my life that has NEVER changed is my desire to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was fourteen years old I was challenged by my dear friend and young women's leader, Aubrey Wilford, to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days. I did not start on schedule, and I did not make it to the end, but as I began to read this amazing book I received a witness of its truth. It was over the course of a few weeks of daily reading that I began to understand my Savior, Jesus Christ, a little better. I felt His love for me a little stronger every day, and I was overwhelmed by this feeling of joy and peace. If by studying this book a little bit each day I was able to feel that way, certainly other people could feel the same thing. It was then that I decided that I wanted to share my joy with the world. I have tried to always be a good example to those around me. I have tried to show people through my actions that because of the influence of Jesus Christ, I am different than most of the world around me. I have always tried to find the good in those people that are constantly torn down by others. I try not to view anyone differently based on a mistake that they have made in the past or by a trial they are going through, simply because I know how it feels. I know that I certainly do not want to be eternally labeled for the mistakes or struggles that I have been through. 

Through Jesus Christ and his Atonement, ALL MANKIND is able to receive redemption and forgiveness for their sins. God does not want us to fail. He is our Father and our creator. He wants to be a part of your life and hold you in His arms again one day. It is REALLY hard to be a good person in this world. It is difficult to stay on the right path and make the choices that God wants us to make, but "[We] can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth [us] (Philippians 4:13)." Be strong and seek Him. He will always be there if you let Him.

Because of this truth, I am going to serve a mission to preach the gospel to the world. In the church, women can serve on missions at age 19, so I will submit my mission papers in May of 2014 and hopefully leave shortly after my birthday in September. 

I am ready to serve. I am ready to be the person that the Lord wants me to be. I am ready to be the woman that my husband will deserve. I am ready to be a better sister. I am ready to share Christ's message.
I am ready to move forward.

Jasmine G. Libby

December 6, 2013

Let Me Tell You About My Life

I'm in College!!!! AHH
This year I am attending Southern Virginia University majoring in Theater. I am enjoying it so far. I will tell you about my journey in picture form:

Since The last time I posted (It has been far too long, I admit) I have:

- Moved to Virginia:
I had to fit all my stuff in mom's Elantra. :) I did it.
These are my amazing roommates! Rylee in the middle and Tessa on the right.

These are the stairs to get up to the girls dorm. I have hiked these stairs at least 3 times a day since I have moved here. Fun times. Let's just say I haven't gained any weight since coming to school.
There are two rocks about halfway up the stairs that say "You can do it!" and "don't give up." They were very helpful the first week of school.

My room when I first moved in. I have rearranged it since then.

-Witnessed some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen:

- Been to a few fun dances:

- TURNED 18!!!!

-Watched my bishopric recite poetry while doing yoga:

- Supported my team!

- Stayed out too late with friends:

- Helped my roommate campaign for freshman class president:
She didn't win, but it was a fun ride. :)
- Went on a temple trip to do proxy baptisms for the dead in the Washington DC Temple:

- Assistant Stage Managed Southern Virginia's production of Hello Dolly!
This is Justine and me. She was also ASM.


- Experienced Virginia in the fall! This is one of m favorite things about living in VA:

- Hiked Panther Falls:

- Watched a few Virginia Military Institute(VMI) parades:

 - Made some amazing friends:

We made a gingerbread house!!!

- Went home for Thanksgiving break:
My lovely sister, Gina, played Pocahontas in the Smiles and Frowns production of "The Legend of Pocahontas"
We took some fun family pictures while we had all of the sisters home.

 We got a real Christmas tree and decorated it!!!

Our Thanksgiving Lunch/ Dinner:

Sweet Potatoes 
Boereg! Armenian Cheese Pastry

Fruit Salad! Yummy Yummy.

Glazed Carrots
Armenian Rice

Apple Turnovers!
Hershey Pie
It has been a wonderful school year so far. I have learned so much abut myself and people around me. I have discovered that I love to cook, but do not often get the opportunity; that I eat way too much sugar; that being single is almost more complicated than dating someone; that sleeping is a choice; that the weather is never consistent; that writing a paper is never something that college students want to do; that a lot more homework gets done when there is time set aside only for homework; that sandwiches are twenty times better when the bread is toasted; and that my family is ALWAYS going to be here for me. I would say that those are pretty good lessons to learn.

I have one more week left of classes then I have finals and I get to go home!! Wish me luck!

You guys are amazing. Stay warm, unless it's 75 degrees like it was today, then stay cool. :) I guess stay at a comfortable temperature, and don't change your diet for the holidays! Find something that you love about the people that hate you. Think happy thoughts. Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your mom!

<3 <3 Happy Finals Weeks everyone! You can do it!
All possible love,
Your friend, Jasmine